
king of anything.

going to stephanie's for a couple of days.
my only worry is how lonely i will feel.
kyle and i became engaged there. in her basement.
don't worry, he proposed two times after that.
they were more romantic.
not the point, though.

i can feel all of the emotions that i've suppressed...
the feelings i have ignored...
they are fighting against me
trying to release themselves.

i hate this.
i hate this life i'm leading.
it's empty.
i don't feel like i'm living.
i speak. i laugh. i think. i move.
i breathe.
but i feel like it's just actions.
there's nothing behind it.
i feel like every thing has been taken away from me.

and you?
you're just fine.

how was it so easy to walk in and out
of my life like that?

i need to calm down.
take a chill pill.
there's nothing i can do.
forget about it.
forget about him.
i keep telling myself to do so.
i just need to do it.

i'm going to steph's.
but i have to walk to the church.
i'm sick.
it's hot out.
and i have to walk like... a mile.

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