
el tango de roxanne.

dear nightmares,
if you could please stop haunting me?
that would be fantastic.

thank you for curing me of my
ridiculous obsession with love.

those were the words i woke up to
on this fine sunday morning.

i attempted to recollect my nightmare
to make sense of it...
but all i could manage were voices.
but no story.
nothing to grab a hold of.
i awoke with this... awful feeling.
it wasn't sadness or anger.
i can't pin point the word for it.
but it was there,
as it is most mornings now-a-days.
it fades but it always comes back
every morning.

dad says i should start writing again.
like. a novel.
which i haven't done in a long time.
maybe i'll start again. finish my last project.
i don't know.

i'm currently chatting with kyle on gmail.
just chatting.
it's nice.
of course there's things i want to say but...
i know that there's no point.
so i will just keep it to myself.

how do i know?
i told him about my possible plans of moving to florida...
and he didn't seem to care.
i know now.

i'm possibly seeing jamie tonight
if she ever calls me back.
she invited me to a movie.
we'll see.
mackenzie gets off work at seven pm.

and tomorrow...
i go to monroe.
for the first time.

i am more than excited to see stephanie.
she'll help me.

i can do this.
orbis terrarum est mei.