
think of me.

"please, don't take this for granted. don't get to a place where all 
she has left of you is a notebook, a picture, and a guitar pick."

been at stephanie's for a day now.
having a good time.
started my anti-depressants.
they make me feel a little weird...
but maybe that's just because my body isn't used to them.
hopefully they'll work.

everything's going okay.
not fantastic, not terrible.
it's relaxed.
i feel like something's missing.
i suppose it's something i'll learn to live without.

devon and steph got into a little fight
and it made the aching inside get a little harder to control.
i cried a little.
i pulled them both aside and lectured them 
about how lucky they are and how they can't take their love for granted.
obviously, the quote is mine.

might go swimming tomorrow.
that'll be fun.
i think i'm going to watch phantom and rent tonight.
yup.  i think so.
that's all for now, folks.

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