

woke up before noon on a day off.
too bad it's not what i wanted.
i just wanted to sleep all day.

my dream
 it was good.
not wonderful.
but better than the ones i've been having.

i keep having the one where i end up in the bathroom
crying for kyle.

but not last night.
which i suppose is good.

i'm about to go take a shower.
watch some tv.
ya, know.
be boring.

kyle never wrote me back last night...
and i was kinda sad...
cause i waited.
maybe i just need to stop doing that.
it really hurts.

i love him.
i want to be with him.
but right now, i'm doing all i can do.
sitting around alone isn't going to help.
that doesn't mean i want to go out with guys...
definitely not.
as of right now i would hate that.

that's so funny...
since i'm seeing tommy tonight.

but anyways,
i don't want to do this...
but i suppose what it's what's gotta happen.

kyle mentioned yesterday that he's going to have to make a decision between
passion and comfortable. now, to me, that's kind of an inssult. because obviously,
this caitlyn girl has more fire signs than i do. she is fire. i am water.

but comfortable... does that mean boring?
because, my love, my life will not be so.
it never has. never will be.

i think in the past couple of years i have forgotten something very important to me...
and i think i rediscovered it. the urge. the want. the need.
i have to sing.
i will do it.
not for kyle.
not for anyone.
just me.

i just realized...
i have a lot of things to do today.