
start wearing purple.

I apologize for my lack of daily blogging. I have been so busy. I am currently watching The Other Side of Heaven. It's pretty good. Kyle and I were supposed to have a "Just Us" day but here I am... At 5:02 pm... Still sitting at home. I am not a happy camper. I find it so funny as I read through my past posts and a good amount of them involve me being negative, depressed, or bitching. I just wanted to clarify that I am not as bad as I may seem. Haha. I just like to bitch to nothingness rather than do it constantly to everyone around me. This blog is something I put my anxiety into. Like when your therapist tells you to send all your negative thoughts away in a bubble or something. Anyways, that just my explanation for my negative posts to those that read (if anyone) who does not know me.

Today, as I sit at home watching movies, I have been thinking about the past couple of months and what can I do to be better. That's my current task, you know. To be a better person. I want to make positive changes in my life and in myself so that maybe good karma will come my way. Or something of that nature.

For the past two days I have been apartment hunting, pushing past my recent insecurities and doubts. Hopefully Kyle and I will find a nice, cheap place for us to live in to get our feet on the ground. I am afraid he is doing this to make ME happy instead of himself happy. I don't know. I am typing this on my iPod. I'll ttyl! :)