

going back to athens tomorrow.
 devon and i stayed at stephanie's an extra day.
he wanted to spend some more time with this girl.
it's understandable.  i don't mind.
i had a good day.
i stayed up until 7am this morning with devon,
matthew, and josh playing left for dead on the xbox.
i woke up at 11 am, took my meds,
 and then went back to sleep until 4:45pm.

i have been in an okay mood. 
steph and i watched the little mermaid
and that made me feel a little better.

but now i'm just... -sighs-
you know.

i don't really want to talk about it...
i'm tired of writing about it.
it doesn't make me feel any better.

tomorrow night mackenzie and  i are going to
go out and have some fun...
and on sunday i'm hanging out with mckinley.
then attending a cookout on memorial day.
hopefully this weekend will be good.

i just wish this aching feeling inside would 
go away.